Securing Qualified Candidates

Outsource the task of qualifying candidates to the directVERIFY professionals with our automated process that quickly provides reports on:

  • Liquidity
  • Net Worth
  • Asset Verification
  • Credit Score
  • Background Check

With access to directVERIFY, our partners are relieved of the burden of qualifying candidates and save time and money by using our system of independent verification to ensure candidates align with financial requirements and company values.

You set the guidelines

When you become a directVERIFY partner, you set the guidelines for prospective candidates:

  • Liquidity Goal 
  • Net Worth Goal 
  • Minimum Credit Score
  • Background Check Parameters

How it works

  • Submit kickoff form through your company-branded directVERIFY portal.
  • Prospective franchisee candidate receives an email with instructions.
  • Candidate fills out personal information, uploads documents, and signs releases for the background and credit checks within the secure portal.
  • Analysis is conducted and a report generated based on your guidelines.
  • Your development team receives notification the report is completed and ready to be reviewed.

Contact Bill Thomas today to learn how directVERIFY can help secure qualified candidates so your team can focus on new development.

tel:303-552-0440 |